Shea the Director.....
Most recently Shea directed and choreographed two World Premieres : Last of The Red Hot Mamas at Bucks County Playhouse and YES! A Musical Comedy- which opened at Dirty Little Secret in Nashville 5/2/24.
Up next! Leader of The Pack at Bucks County Playhouse and Say Yes! LIVE at Play in Nashville TN and a industry reading of the new musical New World Coming.
Other recent projects include Broadway Salute to NYC at the Paradise Club and Level Up at The Peak at Hudson Yards. She recently directed the new musical Dog Run and Alice, Wendy, Dorothy at The New York Theatre Barn. Shea directed a production of Once Upon A Mattress at the Theater at St. Jean, NYC. For the last several years Shea has directed the Billie Burke Awards for the prestigious Ziegfeld Club at equally prestigious New Amsterdam Theater. Shea also has directed Women of Note for NYMF, Dancing on a Dream at the Duke on 42nd Street and I Got Love at the Laurie Beechman. Over the past 15 years Shea has developed and directed over 17 presentations for Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids.
“Director-choreographer Shea Sullivan wisely does not have the cast try to imitate the historical performers they embody on stage. Instead, she has them recreate the essence of those performances, which I think improves the show by allowing it to present a taste of the great popular appeal of the long-lost art of vaudeville. The tap numbers created for the show are fantastic..”
- OUTinJersey
“Yes, A Musical Comedy is a fast-paced musical comedy performed by a stellar four-person cast made up of some of Nashville’s most beloved actors who, under Sullivan’s superb direction, remain focused on the task at hand, one quick change after another, to create the sense of a cast of thousands (okay, we exaggerate, dozens) involved to deliver the comedic goods.”
“And the peak moments in this show, directed/choreographed by Shea Sullivan—the moments that really work–give me hope. Sullivan has created the best tap choreography I’ve seen in years. I loved the fresh, inventive way Sullivan staged one scene (“Bojangele’s Letter”), with seated tap-dancers creating the sounds of a train traveling down the tracks. It was worth making the long drive down to Bucks County just to witness that.”